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000701_owner-lightwave-l _Thu Sep 29 11:37:31 1994.msg
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From: jkrutz@meta.burner.com (Jamie Krutz)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Surface copy/paste
Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
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In article <Pine.> ZAPA <zapa@zeus.datasrv.co.il> writes:
> All :)
> Someone mentioned copying surfaces. I think the best way to do that would
> be to use a scrolling button named 'Copy from:' in the Surfaces panel,
> no need for a 'copy' and 'paste' buttons.
> Nir Hermoni, Israel
> zapa@datasrv.co.il
That's not a bad idea.
It would be nice to also have general copy/paste functionality in Lightwave,
For example, I had to size an earth object to a specific size with something
like a ten number string (in order to make an accurate earth for use in
conjunction with World Construction Set, the new Lightwave compatible
landscape program. In Lightwave I had to type this number string
three times for the X, Y and Z size.
Would be nice to just type it once and then paste it into the other fields.
Allen and Stuart, would it be difficult to add copy/paste functions to
all fields (Amiga-C and Amiga-V)?
BTW, Modeler rounded the string more severely than Lightwave, but neither
could take the whole thing.
PS. I voted against the change to the reply field in the list, as it
was convenient to reply directly to the list. Of all the people on the
list I felt the mistaken replies were few, far between, and quickly
corrected. This way adds a few steps to replying to the list. I hope
that doesn't impede the excellent information, feedback and tips for
which this list has been invaluable.